The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2014-05-25 11:28:09

Result:15 - 10
Duration:0h 15m 38s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
Horjen @guinan86 4.74 1 0.74 0.19 1.58 -0.17 3,550.6
Lady Fiona @ca3rdty 0.19 1 0.09 1.21 2.16 0.41 3,259.6
Scarlet @shoddyavenger 4.11 3 0.47 0.22 0.00 0.00 3,164.0
Tugarin @alex40231 2.97 2 0.60 0.23 0.15 -0.12 2,859.5
Rory @RORZ 0.00 3 0.09 0.11 0.30 -0.20 1,102.7
Inting @vincentrp 5.89 0 0.82 0.25 0.00 0.00 3,509.4
Ara @zeusnl 0.52 1 0.49 0.96 1.93 -2.50 3,000.3
BtD @btd1eve 2.56 7 0.61 0.08 1.07 -0.50 2,772.5
Jabba @alen1605 0.04 1 0.19 0.58 2.31 -2.64 2,398.4
renegad @gurkenjup 1.00 6 0.38 0.07 0.00 0.00 1,875.1

Highest hits

  1. renegad deals 28377 (45083) damage (critical) to Horjen with Dual Phaser Banks - Overload III.
  2. Jabba deals 25408 (39697) damage to Horjen with Feedback Pulse III.
  3. Horjen deals 25273 (52411) damage (critical) to Jabba with Dual Antiproton Banks - Overload III.

Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
Horjen 599,018 971,826 3,561,431 1,633 3,702 1,457 3,058
Lady Fiona 65,050 130,913 461,966 204 480 848 2,128
Scarlet 276,948 729,403 2,207,383 1,046 2,295 1,143 2,247
Tugarin 488,580 778,591 2,671,335 1,317 2,777 1,193 2,451
Rory 47,489 156,293 431,373 212 448 707 1,420
1,477,085 2,767,026 9,333,488 4,412 9,702 5,349 11,303
Inting 647,908 1,089,243 3,559,605 1,806 3,700 1,029 2,541
Ara 520,293 504,413 1,910,534 1,065 1,986 734 2,025
BtD 620,438 663,058 2,739,744 1,334 2,848 1,276 2,141
Jabba 236,695 162,370 807,626 415 840 1,504 3,315
renegad 322,724 484,733 1,754,450 839 1,824 1,006 1,987
2,348,058 2,903,817 10,771,959 5,459 11,197 5,549 12,009
Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
Horjen 132,894 103,008 12,342 35,727 272,062 305,254 245 50 600
Lady Fiona 145,941 320,626 464,515 474,128 5,410 0 485 976 6
Scarlet 114,450 273,135 0 0 78,210 55,598 403 0 139
Tugarin 277,094 120,800 0 0 69,150 168,045 414 0 247
Rory 77,702 119,795 0 0 101,330 48,795 205 0 156
748,081 937,364 476,857 509,855 526,162 577,692 1,752 1,026 1,147
Inting 123,886 314,350 0 0 149,506 87,125 456 0 246
Ara 196,760 475,287 284,959 288,922 0 0 699 597 0
BtD 88,608 47,304 0 0 186,968 159,748 141 0 360
Jabba 284,070 108,810 260,812 89,262 78,674 55,627 408 364 140
renegad 39,861 76,245 0 0 130,623 75,684 121 0 214
733,185 1,021,996 545,771 378,184 545,771 378,184 1,825 960 960

Time: 0.0076768398284912 s