The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2014-05-12 15:40:35

Result:16 - 4
Duration:0h 06m 34s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
Nokhor @Warpstalker 4.20 1 1.80 0.20 1.48 0.00 3,561.2
Cooper @evial85 3.61 0 0.81 0.29 0.00 0.00 3,024.0
Plug Cryostat @skydeviltrigger 3.02 0 0.55 0.17 1.03 -0.50 2,939.5
T'Pwn @dgdolph 3.96 1 0.84 0.12 0.00 0.00 2,917.2
Kitters @Bashalot 1.05 2 0.41 0.06 0.00 0.00 1,872.7
Jabba @alen1605 1.87 1 0.67 1.94 1.34 -0.40 4,730.0
Zidow @markg1701 1.56 4 0.26 0.17 0.00 -0.02 2,785.7
Connington @darioconnington 0.30 4 0.34 0.42 0.52 0.00 2,201.5
Archon @ArchonVII 0.27 3 0.27 0.43 0.63 -0.33 2,169.7
Kris @winborg 0.00 4 0.08 0.04 0.00 0.00 689.7

Highest hits

  1. T'Pwn deals 29936 (46602) damage (critical) to Kris with Dual Disruptor Banks - Overload III.
  2. Cooper deals 17583 (72759) damage (critical) to Connington with Dual Elachi Banks - Overload III.
  3. Jabba deals 17138 (31715) damage to Cooper with Feedback Pulse III.

Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
Nokhor 773,098 1,127,424 3,548,871 4,591 8,572 1,092 2,408
Cooper 399,469 435,618 2,143,251 2,017 5,177 1,283 2,596
Plug Cryostat 261,332 318,643 1,236,718 1,401 2,987 825 1,535
T'Pwn 407,228 462,461 2,015,944 2,101 4,869 562 1,005
Kitters 169,117 260,807 1,076,361 1,038 2,600 712 1,136
2,010,244 2,604,953 10,021,145 11,148 24,206 4,473 8,680
Jabba 472,537 225,494 1,052,982 1,686 2,543 3,576 8,203
Zidow 78,280 198,780 485,154 669 1,172 2,021 4,681
Connington 93,526 260,747 842,066 856 2,034 1,590 3,504
Archon 41,969 243,673 730,884 690 1,765 2,197 5,466
Kris 18,707 61,751 176,238 194 426 856 1,234
705,019 990,445 3,287,324 4,095 7,940 10,240 23,089
Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
Nokhor 100,586 61,708 0 0 0 0 392 0 0
Cooper 99,327 141,049 0 0 0 0 581 0 0
Plug Cryostat 26,937 116,056 0 0 0 0 345 0 0
T'Pwn 66,576 35,343 0 0 0 0 246 0 0
Kitters 24,090 24,219 0 0 0 0 117 0 0
317,516 378,375 0 0 0 0 1,681 0 0
Jabba 410,232 201,069 58,280 25,805 0 0 1,477 203 0
Zidow 81,518 56,834 0 0 56,658 25,805 334 0 199
Connington 64,719 280,278 0 0 0 0 833 0 0
Archon 154,091 194,810 0 0 1,622 0 843 0 4
Kris 35,711 0 0 0 0 0 86 0 0
746,271 732,991 58,280 25,805 58,280 25,805 3,573 203 203

Time: 0.012863874435425 s