The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2014-03-23 17:31:38

Result:16 - 6
Duration:0h 17m 15s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
Roni @TheRoonon 1.05 1 0.33 1.67 2.23 1.40 4,045.8
Shak @fightingexplorer 4.70 1 0.66 0.25 0.90 -0.24 3,416.6
Horjen @guinan86 5.35 0 0.72 0.17 0.25 0.08 3,341.0
Hyperion @deadline001 4.21 0 0.88 0.31 0.18 -0.19 3,202.0
Colin @startrek66 0.65 4 0.11 0.45 1.84 -1.51 2,513.5
Hoerder @ilhansk 0.21 2 0.31 1.37 2.39 -1.59 3,401.6
Edna @amtct 2.26 3 0.99 0.30 0.68 -0.39 3,177.4
Saron @julius21393 2.02 5 0.74 0.18 1.71 0.00 3,140.7
Hannibals Shadow @usshannibal 1.36 0 0.58 0.05 0.94 -0.42 2,384.7
Daax @ser19 0.15 6 0.31 0.16 1.87 -0.16 2,165.1

Highest hits

    No such events have been recorded for this match.

    Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

    Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
    Roni 186,071 682,460 1,607,985 839 1,554 1,566 3,769
    Shak 661,516 1,013,933 3,406,631 1,619 3,291 1,135 2,495
    Horjen 677,175 1,164,005 4,098,570 1,779 3,960 570 1,457
    Hyperion 637,152 1,615,090 5,232,205 2,176 5,055 1,029 2,658
    Colin 158,211 103,707 671,351 253 649 1,753 3,572
    2,320,125 4,579,195 15,016,742 6,666 14,509 6,053 13,950
    Hoerder 542,718 214,460 1,722,524 732 1,664 1,747 4,201
    Edna 796,224 1,769,133 5,274,673 2,479 5,096 1,699 4,006
    Saron 549,103 1,360,559 4,519,074 1,845 4,366 1,563 3,225
    Hannibals Shadow 914,996 530,534 2,666,765 1,397 2,577 100 140
    Daax 346,772 425,190 1,874,448 746 1,811 1,407 2,937
    3,149,813 4,299,876 16,057,484 7,198 15,514 6,517 14,509
    Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
    Roni 511,192 538,874 788,342 701,526 64,193 96,552 1,015 1,439 155
    Shak 176,920 164,237 38,238 67,365 208,394 343,803 330 102 534
    Horjen 188,195 96,930 1,649 34,238 20,849 42,476 275 35 61
    Hyperion 273,645 270,052 30,135 28,719 105,062 173,875 525 57 270
    Colin 278,785 296,646 123,702 95,750 190,428 236,654 556 212 413
    1,428,737 1,366,739 982,066 927,598 588,926 893,360 2,701 1,845 1,432
    Hoerder 236,336 1,002,490 151,894 929,135 15,364 0 1,197 1,044 15
    Edna 362,189 158,089 42,293 14,886 37,218 393,193 503 55 416
    Saron 263,824 95,832 0 0 55,219 218,583 347 0 265
    Hannibals Shadow 0 100,800 866 0 0 0 97 1 0
    Daax 164,355 169,389 0 0 87,252 317,359 322 0 391
    1,026,704 1,526,600 195,053 944,021 195,053 929,135 2,467 1,101 1,086

    Time: 0.0083458423614502 s