The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2014-02-22 19:04:08

Result:15 - 7
Duration:0h 27m 50s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
Rhiana @meiergerd 11.56 0 0.51 0.02 1.07 -0.59 4,648.2
Mohan @g0h4n4 1.56 0 0.69 1.28 1.94 -1.71 3,701.1
Don Horjen @guinan86 1.03 0 0.10 0.42 2.19 -0.38 2,827.1
Lady Fiona @ca3rdty 0.15 0 0.15 0.90 1.77 -1.80 2,705.2
Toreth @blaubeere1 0.24 7 0.29 0.28 1.79 -1.03 2,274.0
Galaxy @dennismeul 2.93 5 0.43 0.12 0.14 0.14 3,135.5
Colin @startrek66 0.55 2 0.32 0.42 2.85 -0.47 2,851.6
Plug Cryostat @skydeviltrigger 2.23 1 0.67 0.12 0.00 -0.85 2,618.0
Denny @denny79 1.68 2 0.67 0.16 0.00 -0.08 2,488.0
Toban @SlSoralMerlin 0.05 5 0.41 0.24 2.15 -1.00 2,254.1

Highest hits

    No such events have been recorded for this match.

    Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

    Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
    Rhiana 1,244,715 576,267 2,783,211 1,090 1,667 205 282
    Mohan 814,942 1,686,993 4,106,652 1,498 2,459 1,000 3,021
    Don Horjen 162,300 199,823 749,775 217 449 309 1,020
    Lady Fiona 253,382 270,808 1,082,602 314 648 873 2,206
    Toreth 343,459 704,816 2,086,801 628 1,250 1,633 4,003
    2,818,798 3,438,707 10,809,041 3,747 6,472 4,019 10,532
    Galaxy 684,739 852,125 3,155,094 920 1,889 722 1,380
    Colin 834,159 272,859 2,168,395 663 1,298 696 1,537
    Plug Cryostat 859,081 1,498,760 5,887,225 1,412 3,525 364 624
    Denny 823,460 1,512,046 6,158,691 1,399 3,688 598 1,177
    Toban 538,003 931,050 3,149,548 880 1,886 727 1,303
    3,739,442 5,066,840 20,518,953 5,273 12,287 3,107 6,021
    Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
    Rhiana 7,404 50,821 0 0 105,559 93,869 35 0 119
    Mohan 217,247 829,169 1,181,446 693,078 197,980 240,294 627 1,122 262
    Don Horjen 117,528 335,973 175,527 339,185 13,670 94,577 272 308 65
    Lady Fiona 430,712 630,854 626,847 439,238 155,143 289,742 636 638 266
    Toreth 260,936 565,702 431 0 843,576 705,792 495 0 928
    1,033,827 2,412,519 1,984,251 1,471,501 1,315,928 1,424,274 2,064 2,069 1,641
    Galaxy 293,790 32,580 0 0 53,180 57,623 195 0 66
    Colin 202,977 335,373 277,915 187,768 4,213 6,552 322 279 6
    Plug Cryostat 35,263 338,484 0 751 45,922 49,868 224 0 57
    Denny 273,833 124,701 16,918 9,931 13,814 8,478 239 16 13
    Toban 37,758 240,222 227,269 73,428 182,460 91,825 166 180 164
    843,621 1,071,360 522,102 271,878 299,589 214,346 1,147 475 308

    Time: 0.002871036529541 s