The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2023-01-11 18:00:00

Result:13 - 9
Duration:0h 05m 35s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
Noco'Agar @cadmeon 3.36 0 2.32 1.00 0.00 0.00 3,974.0
T'LI @cccp19211230#1288 1.91 4 3.35 0.57 0.00 -0.25 3,932.4
Tempest @tempest#6385 4.19 1 2.03 0.59 0.00 0.00 3,645.4
Siren @DS1411#21777 3.44 0 1.36 0.64 0.00 0.00 3,395.9
Ranes @ahaworth 0.10 4 0.27 0.09 0.00 0.00 1,232.9
MaryJane @SRS-ELITE 1.74 2 5.66 1.18 2.00 0.00 5,369.1
Not-Dat'Waan @mattdoody 5.80 0 5.40 0.93 0.00 0.00 5,182.7
sophie @scrdr 1.41 1 2.26 0.98 0.00 0.00 3,745.1
Greyhound @malkavthemad 0.05 4 0.34 0.29 1.00 0.00 2,005.3
Sille @PedeLarsen#67562 0.00 6 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 863.6

Highest hits

  1. Not-Dat'Waan deals 82229 (94299) damage (critical) to Ranes with Immolating Phaser Lance.
  2. Tempest deals 69456 (81350) damage (critical) to Sille with Technical Overload.
  3. Not-Dat'Waan deals 59987 (57458) damage (critical) to Ranes with Phaser Dual Beam Bank - Overload III.

Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
Noco'Agar 945,493 1,562,715 5,491,771 7,487 16,393 6,989 14,653
T'LI 2,367,679 1,287,577 5,406,720 10,911 16,139 7,623 17,687
Tempest 1,164,040 1,033,955 5,394,055 6,561 16,102 6,684 10,426
Siren 744,626 730,010 3,517,954 4,402 10,501 5,617 11,501
Ranes 135,893 155,254 558,155 869 1,666 2,643 3,077
5,357,731 4,769,511 20,368,655 30,231 60,802 29,556 57,344
MaryJane 3,947,491 2,237,315 9,074,468 18,462 27,088 4,060 14,241
Not-Dat'Waan 3,396,654 2,474,922 11,414,039 17,527 34,072 6,989 14,349
sophie 1,106,575 1,348,368 4,795,170 7,328 14,314 5,820 14,098
Greyhound 229,437 140,812 722,667 1,105 2,157 1,822 3,202
Sille 204 1,486 1,852 5 6 1,634 2,637
8,680,361 6,202,903 26,008,196 44,428 77,636 20,326 48,527
Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
Noco'Agar 318,378 145,916 0 9,103 0 0 1,386 27 0
T'LI 383,291 51,796 0 0 27,176 10,114 1,299 0 111
Tempest 311,142 98,487 0 1,011 0 0 1,223 3 0
Siren 371,430 114,057 0 0 0 0 1,449 0 0
Ranes 32,435 33,647 0 0 0 0 197 0 0
1,416,676 443,903 0 10,114 27,176 10,114 5,554 30 111
MaryJane 291,619 345,502 22,664 0 0 3,641 1,902 68 11
Not-Dat'Waan 295,737 226,692 16,734 0 0 0 1,559 50 0
sophie 388,302 297,630 4,512 0 16,734 0 2,048 13 50
Greyhound 69,966 32,858 0 3,641 0 0 307 11 0
Sille 58,832 45,829 0 0 0 0 312 0 0
1,104,456 948,511 43,910 3,641 16,734 3,641 6,128 142 61

Time: 0.014820098876953 s