The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2018-05-20 01:08:33

Result:15 - 4
Duration:0h 20m 18s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
OMG the EG guy @benkorg 7.89 0 1.92 0.45 0.00 0.00 3,924.5
-Assassin- @marcusneuthor 2.74 0 0.51 0.46 3.12 -0.90 3,508.1
T'lilu @Dxxdavid 1.76 0 0.55 0.87 1.81 -0.60 3,372.1
Soli @solifahd#4905 2.55 0 0.32 0.66 1.30 0.00 3,369.2
Renrok H'Plar @hplar80#2989 0.05 4 0.08 0.06 0.25 0.00 1,028.6
EXCELLENCY @surprise77 0.40 1 0.32 1.55 3.57 -1.64 3,766.2
Sejin @saejin2000 2.78 2 0.74 0.30 0.00 -0.01 3,501.5
AJacobs @odinforever20000 0.79 3 1.13 0.64 2.08 -1.00 3,289.3
Venesa @valkfx 0.03 6 0.21 1.31 0.00 -0.50 2,872.8
McTavish @icslam 0.00 3 0.31 0.02 0.38 -0.35 1,183.1

Highest hits

  1. OMG the EG guy deals 33787 (54920) damage (critical) to Sejin with Voice of the Prophets.
  2. Venesa deals 17715 (23735) damage to Renrok H'Plar with Experimental Dual Warhead Launcher.
  3. OMG the EG guy deals 13453 (11009) damage (critical) to AJacobs with Dual Heavy Antiproton Cannons - Rapid Fire III.

Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
OMG the EG guy 4,621,694 1,397,955 13,971,719 4,942 11,471 660 2,175
-Assassin- 775,505 756,226 3,659,620 1,258 3,005 402 1,653
T'lilu 854,287 791,431 3,957,233 1,351 3,249 492 1,898
Soli 538,702 420,100 2,407,681 787 1,977 489 1,761
Renrok H'Plar 92,412 156,851 587,459 205 482 1,215 2,607
6,882,600 3,522,563 24,583,712 8,543 20,184 3,257 10,094
EXCELLENCY 863,394 159,217 1,590,946 840 1,306 777 2,262
Sejin 1,071,141 1,146,229 4,899,445 1,821 4,023 1,500 3,283
AJacobs 2,690,329 888,252 6,414,427 2,938 5,266 1,473 3,758
Venesa 219,757 370,303 2,672,878 484 2,194 3,445 8,854
McTavish 658,281 320,743 1,534,838 804 1,260 432 707
5,502,902 2,884,744 17,112,534 6,886 14,050 7,626 18,866
Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
OMG the EG guy 731,811 460,710 0 0 10,809 27,117 979 0 31
-Assassin- 712,276 317,718 88,930 8,470 0 31,263 846 80 26
T'lilu 923,237 487,298 260,734 146,810 0 5,175 1,158 335 4
Soli 913,775 353,537 180,654 54,891 0 12,835 1,040 193 11
Renrok H'Plar 60,024 86,103 0 2,983 519,509 136,764 120 2 539
3,341,123 1,705,366 530,318 213,154 530,318 213,154 4,143 610 610
EXCELLENCY 631,107 507,839 942,012 423,114 0 30,614 935 1,121 25
Sejin 575,535 229,745 0 0 86,526 68,662 661 0 127
AJacobs 843,058 677,548 0 62,182 23,197 19,293 1,248 51 35
Venesa 2,020,657 1,341,770 0 45,017 832,289 411,744 2,761 37 1,021
McTavish 33,239 17,517 0 0 0 0 42 0 0
4,103,596 2,774,419 942,012 530,313 942,012 530,313 5,647 1,209 1,209

Time: 0.0099730491638184 s