The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2017-11-08 22:32:43

Result:13 - 0
Duration:0h 07m 59s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
T'lilu @Dxxdavid 1.02 0 0.25 1.58 1.90 0.00 3,716.0
iNightShadow @n1ghtshad0w22 6.82 0 1.12 0.21 0.00 0.00 3,579.8
N'Vek @Dragon1608 3.19 0 1.68 0.25 0.00 0.00 3,150.4
Everaj @37LSKDC 0.81 0 0.34 0.62 2.30 -0.01 3,003.9
S'anra @keldornor 1.53 0 0.39 0.09 1.10 0.00 2,444.0
T'Cela @trekkiedude#9540 0.00 3 0.55 0.67 2.76 -1.00 2,969.4
T.R. @TotalRide 0.00 4 0.35 0.12 1.35 -1.49 1,667.3
Romana @djokicamali 0.00 3 0.57 0.14 0.00 0.00 1,622.7
L'Leopold @CaptainCat2016 0.00 1 0.41 0.16 0.00 0.00 1,477.6
Brandon Akana @tiberius183 0.00 2 0.38 0.13 0.00 0.00 1,423.3

Highest hits

  1. N'Vek deals 27761 (38817) damage (critical) to Brandon Akana with Experimental Proton Charge.
  2. L'Leopold deals 17930 (16573) damage (critical) to iNightShadow with Terran Task Force Dual Heavy Disruptor Cannons - Rapid Fire III.
  3. N'Vek deals 15872 (13312) damage (critical) to T'Cela with Dual Heavy Antiproton Cannons - Rapid Fire III.

Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
T'lilu 166,496 132,619 582,321 618 1,203 335 911
iNightShadow 918,126 455,290 3,012,308 2,838 6,224 1,252 3,125
N'Vek 1,590,838 512,582 3,724,698 4,346 7,696 1,371 3,443
Everaj 298,348 118,851 787,449 862 1,627 410 1,416
S'anra 340,520 139,773 1,081,146 992 2,234 582 1,335
3,314,328 1,359,115 9,187,922 9,656 18,983 3,949 10,229
T'Cela 406,442 265,289 1,187,546 1,388 2,454 1,678 4,023
T.R. 191,978 218,240 910,396 848 1,881 1,431 2,628
Romana 299,019 367,419 1,643,013 1,377 3,395 1,545 3,089
L'Leopold 334,652 176,210 816,764 1,056 1,688 936 2,281
Brandon Akana 235,076 214,484 1,239,975 929 2,562 2,019 4,745
1,467,167 1,241,642 5,797,694 5,597 11,979 7,610 16,765
Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
T'lilu 228,214 82,926 385,562 60,316 0 0 643 921 0
iNightShadow 91,563 105,083 0 0 247,155 35,702 406 0 584
N'Vek 157,032 73,720 0 0 147,468 15,314 477 0 336
Everaj 198,016 65,477 126,431 11,485 2,920 6,644 544 285 20
S'anra 51,159 15,354 7,595 0 122,045 14,553 137 16 282
725,984 342,560 519,588 71,801 519,588 72,213 2,208 1,222 1,223
T'Cela 220,642 385,945 0 412 0 0 1,253 1 0
T.R. 28,273 77,082 0 0 0 0 218 0 0
Romana 117,097 16,000 0 0 0 0 275 0 0
L'Leopold 91,729 53,559 0 0 0 0 300 0 0
Brandon Akana 55,307 65,907 0 0 0 0 250 0 0
513,048 598,493 0 412 0 0 2,297 1 0

Time: 0.010072946548462 s