The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2017-05-22 23:19:22

Result:14 - 1
Duration:0h 16m 54s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
-Assa- @marcusneuthor 4.29 0 1.06 0.68 0.37 0.00 3,661.1
T'lilu @Dxxdavid 2.16 0 0.50 0.75 2.73 -0.80 3,519.7
Jane @Dragon1608 1.61 0 0.32 1.00 1.89 -0.20 3,466.4
Everaj @37LSKDC 0.99 0 0.30 0.94 2.53 0.40 3,432.6
Duwmak @benkorg 4.95 1 1.15 0.18 0.00 0.00 3,225.7
N1ghtShad0w @n1ghtshad0w22 0.73 0 1.30 0.73 3.49 0.76 4,181.1
Nina @Lambsia 0.00 3 0.61 0.38 3.92 -0.46 3,025.4
UnhappyEnding @giotariz 0.13 3 0.35 0.55 2.73 -1.84 2,695.9
Bronco @captainbronco 0.00 2 0.72 0.50 0.85 0.40 2,559.3
Tazy @geotheviking 0.13 6 0.48 0.21 0.00 0.00 1,751.3

Highest hits

  1. N1ghtShad0w deals 52296 (60594) damage (critical) to Duwmak with Photonic Shockwave III.
  2. N1ghtShad0w deals 40684 (37767) damage (critical) to Duwmak with Isokinetic Cannon.
  3. Everaj deals 35007 (23067) damage (critical) to UnhappyEnding with Photonic Shockwave III.

Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
-Assa- 1,835,541 995,788 6,590,687 2,792 6,500 2,745 7,373
T'lilu 860,442 472,555 2,792,595 1,315 2,754 625 1,699
Jane 641,207 226,095 1,868,952 855 1,843 697 2,040
Everaj 513,267 295,416 1,817,928 798 1,793 1,084 3,279
Duwmak 2,342,660 791,897 5,750,208 3,091 5,671 1,854 3,267
6,193,117 2,781,751 18,820,370 8,851 18,561 7,005 17,657
N1ghtShad0w 2,602,175 933,694 7,278,879 3,487 7,178 950 2,300
Nina 904,097 697,705 3,711,985 1,580 3,661 1,460 3,536
UnhappyEnding 466,759 456,282 2,337,595 910 2,305 1,207 3,206
Bronco 822,039 1,057,998 3,946,794 1,854 3,892 1,857 4,231
Tazy 849,537 440,426 3,031,135 1,272 2,989 1,169 2,753
5,644,607 3,586,105 20,306,388 9,103 20,026 6,644 16,026
Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
-Assa- 1,143,873 348,443 0 0 613,656 339,742 1,472 0 940
T'lilu 296,693 107,926 341,872 228,934 11,264 0 399 563 11
Jane 606,763 322,634 559,936 102,769 9,677 22,943 917 654 32
Everaj 629,934 199,604 457,397 158,122 44,875 3,707 818 607 48
Duwmak 280,500 121,648 0 0 662,671 126,938 397 0 779
2,957,763 1,100,255 1,359,205 489,825 1,342,143 493,330 4,002 1,824 1,810
N1ghtShad0w 540,174 648,922 0 133,895 6,886 8,619 1,173 132 15
Nina 586,646 243,388 0 0 0 16,503 819 0 16
UnhappyEnding 554,000 584,889 22,024 4,438 513 99,019 1,123 26 98
Bronco 841,497 243,897 0 9,982 31,172 20,669 1,070 10 51
Tazy 413,294 62,316 0 0 515 0 469 0 1
2,935,611 1,783,412 22,024 148,315 39,086 144,810 4,654 168 181

Time: 0.016765117645264 s