The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2016-09-24 23:04:08

Result:15 - 8
Duration:0h 07m 31s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
Hilbert @mancom 4.30 2 0.77 1.05 0.62 0.83 3,982.9
Chohan @chromaty 3.10 3 0.62 0.55 2.59 0.00 3,631.2
Dylan @nometa 2.63 2 0.62 0.68 2.52 -0.31 3,621.9
Trinity's Scientist @TheCylus 2.05 1 0.50 0.61 1.49 -0.30 3,285.1
Keemiga @keemang 1.68 0 0.53 0.61 1.60 -1.48 2,995.8
Marley (hidden) 3.99 2 1.26 0.37 2.13 0.00 3,892.1
Gia @julemr 1.83 3 1.03 0.14 2.81 0.00 3,230.5
Robin @sovalucard 0.09 2 0.26 1.11 0.51 0.14 2,833.7
T'Aril @risa0806 2.14 3 0.82 0.08 0.00 0.00 2,540.3
Vouc @norinstormreaver#4661 0.93 5 0.39 0.07 0.00 0.00 1,857.4

Highest hits

  1. Marley deals 22461 (34730) damage (critical) to Chohan with Quantum Torpedo - Salvo II.
  2. Marley deals 15314 (22436) damage to Hilbert with Quantum Torpedo.
  3. T'Aril deals 14596 (13878) damage (critical) to Chohan with Phaser Array - Overload III.

Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
Hilbert 584,343 343,091 1,713,732 2,021 3,734 1,837 4,121
Chohan 523,633 239,299 1,186,445 1,662 2,585 1,164 2,043
Dylan 633,575 146,134 1,133,137 1,699 2,469 1,531 3,043
Trinity's Scientist 392,384 209,472 1,158,389 1,311 2,524 2,460 5,927
Keemiga 338,592 304,387 957,881 1,401 2,087 552 1,091
2,472,527 1,242,383 6,149,584 8,093 13,398 7,543 16,225
Marley 972,186 539,732 3,436,022 3,294 7,486 1,203 2,277
Gia 1,012,142 267,310 1,834,767 2,787 3,997 1,032 2,050
Robin 207,248 106,585 692,897 684 1,510 1,787 3,905
T'Aril 512,991 473,053 1,490,243 2,148 3,247 952 1,518
Vouc 163,961 294,477 955,248 999 2,081 964 1,452
2,868,528 1,681,157 8,409,177 9,912 18,321 5,939 11,202
Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
Hilbert 124,298 282,438 99,698 255,364 142,859 173,595 886 774 689
Chohan 129,311 247,383 82,960 0 0 0 821 181 0
Dylan 151,644 81,289 99,535 144,395 66,749 109,829 507 531 385
Trinity's Scientist 196,361 321,038 3,467 30,390 191,403 180,943 1,127 74 811
Keemiga 85,683 97,835 120,848 114,087 5,497 79,869 400 512 186
687,297 1,029,983 406,508 544,236 406,508 544,236 3,741 2,071 2,071
Marley 82,423 225,946 19,908 7,695 41,239 28,642 672 60 152
Gia 81,483 48,600 0 0 41,991 32,988 283 0 163
Robin 294,113 268,832 192,420 99,430 13,428 0 1,226 636 29
T'Aril 53,270 25,380 0 0 51,297 28,477 171 0 174
Vouc 45,772 19,755 0 0 64,373 17,018 143 0 177
557,061 588,513 212,328 107,125 212,328 107,125 2,496 696 696

Time: 0.0095188617706299 s