The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

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2015-05-28 01:02:25

Result:14 - 4
Duration:0h 08m 10s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
T.R. @TotalRide 4.61 2 1.56 0.45 1.00 -0.50 3,633.6
Augm3nt @augm3nt 3.72 1 0.92 0.24 1.15 0.16 3,262.4
captennik @captennik1 1.79 1 1.25 0.55 1.20 -0.60 3,213.0
BAUKL0TZ @baukl0tz 1.96 0 0.42 0.13 0.00 0.00 2,347.5
tuvok 278 @tuvok278 1.90 0 0.68 0.08 0.00 0.00 2,306.8
Lyle @kyle223cat 0.32 0 0.34 3.59 0.85 0.49 4,886.5
Aetrah @capitaopaiva 2.33 5 0.97 0.22 0.97 -0.03 3,350.3
Seriak @biisvihe 0.66 2 0.55 0.51 0.84 0.00 2,651.5
Tugarin @alex40231 0.44 5 0.57 0.12 0.00 -0.26 1,798.7
Rijius @ben5of5 0.28 2 0.23 0.13 0.00 0.00 1,450.8

Highest hits

  1. Rijius deals 58425 (66460) damage (critical) to captennik with Dual Antiproton Banks - Overload III.
  2. Tugarin deals 54607 (61408) damage (critical) to T.R. with Dual Elachi Banks - Overload III.
  3. captennik deals 47351 (99521) damage to Tugarin with Feedback Pulse II.

Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
T.R. 1,236,026 855,548 3,720,387 4,269 7,593 2,207 4,087
Augm3nt 628,634 574,179 3,032,152 2,455 6,188 1,270 2,646
captennik 1,271,570 418,951 2,595,185 3,450 5,296 1,485 3,197
BAUKL0TZ 282,779 272,552 1,340,189 1,133 2,735 583 1,257
tuvok 278 368,121 517,520 2,190,551 1,807 4,471 570 1,239
3,787,130 2,638,750 12,878,464 13,114 26,283 6,116 12,426
Lyle 75,182 368,013 783,747 904 1,599 2,071 7,599
Aetrah 652,807 639,856 2,255,951 2,638 4,604 2,059 3,425
Seriak 387,508 339,027 1,427,171 1,483 2,913 2,178 3,921
Tugarin 385,015 373,830 1,472,862 1,549 3,006 2,249 4,705
Rijius 129,073 168,849 665,764 608 1,359 1,168 2,789
1,629,585 1,889,575 6,605,495 7,182 13,481 9,725 22,440
Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
T.R. 320,286 140,000 0 2,869 7,130 0 939 6 15
Augm3nt 127,371 113,746 0 3,978 2,267 0 492 8 5
captennik 315,983 231,023 20,467 0 10,391 10,127 1,116 42 42
BAUKL0TZ 126,980 11,790 0 0 18,200 0 283 0 37
tuvok 278 28,867 52,346 0 0 94 0 166 0 0
919,487 548,905 20,467 6,847 38,082 10,127 2,997 56 98
Lyle 969,733 502,585 1,098,784 345,106 2,926 0 3,005 2,947 6
Aetrah 44,004 175,319 0 176 167,527 113,522 448 0 574
Seriak 200,912 154,187 30,476 58,076 446,424 84,266 725 181 1,083
Tugarin 80,821 36,845 7,130 0 382,379 101,849 240 15 988
Rijius 79,596 57,991 0 0 119,519 100,441 281 0 449
1,375,066 926,927 1,136,390 403,358 1,118,775 400,078 4,698 3,142 3,100

Time: 0.0095689296722412 s