The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2014-07-21 00:25:36

Result:15 - 11
Duration:0h 07m 53s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
Hexer @pfiffikus 2.28 2 0.32 1.08 3.15 -0.05 3,967.5
Jogi-R @jogi4466 7.00 3 0.87 0.53 0.00 -0.66 3,852.9
Tank @stonecold0899 3.34 4 0.34 0.24 0.00 0.00 3,049.9
Harris @xernon 2.26 1 0.58 0.15 0.00 -0.02 2,514.0
Jimmy Jr @syfy88man 0.13 1 0.21 0.36 1.99 0.00 2,373.8
Loreen @sheres24 4.68 2 0.98 0.34 0.00 0.00 3,448.0
Eriet @cimeras 0.51 5 0.32 0.56 2.87 0.00 3,025.0
Aekkujrenntsziie @meiergerd 2.69 2 0.57 0.04 1.69 0.00 2,950.8
Perry @ketorg 2.84 1 0.65 0.12 0.00 0.00 2,723.6
Lonestar @chartley3 0.25 5 0.02 0.24 0.50 -0.02 1,671.2

Highest hits

  1. Aekkujrenntsziie deals 40396 (75056) damage (critical) to Jogi-R with Dual Tetryon Banks - Overload III.
  2. Jogi-R deals 32865 (43586) damage (critical) to Loreen with Dual-Phasen-Biomaterienbank – Überladung III.
  3. Hexer deals 15989 (23220) damage to Aekkujrenntsziie with Feedback Pulse I.

Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
Hexer 183,522 164,103 637,638 735 1,348 718 1,718
Jogi-R 588,914 367,235 1,700,306 2,021 3,595 1,179 2,755
Tank 148,823 218,090 713,452 776 1,508 1,898 3,476
Harris 266,473 360,717 1,230,631 1,326 2,602 875 2,206
Jimmy Jr 109,086 120,688 459,432 486 971 1,043 2,067
1,296,818 1,230,833 4,741,459 5,344 10,024 5,714 12,221
Loreen 537,762 525,961 2,237,920 2,249 4,731 1,332 3,572
Eriet 121,488 226,698 712,807 736 1,507 1,463 2,622
Aekkujrenntsziie 381,804 235,169 1,303,439 1,304 2,756 575 761
Perry 377,843 328,375 1,542,425 1,493 3,261 1,187 2,615
Lonestar 3,898 19,700 71,303 50 151 1,158 1,497
1,422,795 1,335,903 5,867,894 5,832 12,406 5,715 11,066
Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
Hexer 48,666 122,277 99,879 204,710 9,620 11,340 361 644 44
Jogi-R 42,015 108,774 79,067 33,095 68,762 78,612 319 237 312
Tank 120,458 79,928 0 0 40,437 97,430 424 0 291
Harris 66,765 56,725 0 0 35,412 11,223 261 0 99
Jimmy Jr 92,539 72,603 19,460 34,650 67,155 91,899 349 114 336
370,443 440,307 198,406 272,455 221,386 290,504 1,714 995 1,082
Loreen 53,456 170,876 10,059 18,342 0 0 474 60 0
Eriet 100,432 396,143 0 0 0 0 1,050 0 0
Aekkujrenntsziie 23,415 10,860 0 0 0 0 72 0 0
Perry 52,275 47,736 0 0 10,059 18,342 211 0 60
Lonestar 49,528 112,622 8,073 11,340 0 0 343 41 0
279,106 738,237 18,132 29,682 10,059 18,342 2,151 101 60

Time: 0.013969898223877 s