The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2014-07-10 20:13:42

Result:15 - 0
Duration:0h 09m 51s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
Cronnos @DrunkUncle 0.68 0 0.24 2.17 0.86 0.00 3,894.9
T'agdischer @falkeX3 7.01 0 1.10 0.14 0.00 0.00 3,540.0
Nep @gocimaster 3.53 0 0.83 0.15 0.00 -0.40 2,852.5
Mordalamin @tuerfortune 2.60 0 0.75 0.35 0.00 -0.26 2,803.9
Dusty @Janetza 0.92 0 0.43 0.20 2.72 -0.98 2,670.5
Sergey @deko9a 0.01 4 0.40 0.27 2.14 0.00 2,371.8
Eaxon' Pax @proremi 0.09 2 0.21 0.68 1.00 -2.84 2,174.2
Unit1 @1unit 0.12 4 0.38 0.19 1.28 0.48 2,132.1
Eris @arien9000 0.00 1 0.59 0.24 0.00 0.00 1,800.9
Kayla @trek-girl 0.04 4 0.28 0.24 0.50 0.00 1,744.9

Highest hits

  1. Mordalamin deals 60599 (78698) damage (critical) to Kayla with Sichelwellenkanone – Salve.
  2. Nep deals 16126 (28783) damage (critical) to Kayla with Nukara Hyper Dual Tetryon Banks - Overload III.
  3. Eris deals 9760 (15047) damage to T'agdischer with Dual Disruptor Banks - Overload II.

Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
Cronnos 217,856 114,545 731,926 562 1,238 695 1,942
T'agdischer 660,857 897,007 2,984,033 2,636 5,049 933 2,126
Nep 489,558 684,503 2,439,680 1,987 4,128 1,155 2,846
Mordalamin 412,848 643,854 2,223,441 1,788 3,762 769 2,081
Dusty 499,054 77,568 1,232,514 976 2,085 385 1,077
2,280,173 2,417,477 9,611,594 7,949 16,263 3,937 10,072
Sergey 329,569 222,074 1,313,957 933 2,223 774 1,482
Eaxon' Pax 67,954 239,229 654,045 520 1,107 2,294 5,846
Unit1 83,384 462,053 1,479,005 923 2,503 1,505 2,753
Eris 162,824 668,465 2,101,782 1,407 3,556 1,058 2,432
Kayla 131,255 264,729 865,110 670 1,464 1,743 2,891
774,986 1,856,550 6,413,899 4,453 10,853 7,375 15,405
Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
Cronnos 71,712 254,068 642,334 800,061 396 10,539 551 2,441 19
T'agdischer 54,044 108,878 0 0 198,364 239,209 276 0 740
Nep 33,273 136,538 0 0 390,193 524,752 287 0 1,548
Mordalamin 118,590 242,903 7,058 18,012 35,762 51,030 612 42 147
Dusty 145,537 71,253 0 0 18,373 14,422 367 0 55
423,156 813,640 649,392 818,073 643,088 839,952 2,093 2,483 2,509
Sergey 67,862 153,539 16,746 40,916 20,394 0 375 98 35
Eaxon' Pax 336,398 216,206 98,615 42,791 32,485 33,527 935 239 112
Unit1 74,945 99,988 25,636 0 44,014 12,355 296 43 95
Eris 112,343 126,826 0 23,940 41,374 30,436 405 41 122
Kayla 103,039 117,750 35,530 0 44,564 9,450 374 60 91
694,587 714,309 176,527 107,647 182,831 85,768 2,384 481 454

Time: 0.0096468925476074 s