The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2014-07-05 20:32:57

Result:15 - 1
Duration:0h 09m 14s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
Pixel Mini (hidden) 0.31 0 0.08 1.84 2.42 0.25 3,815.8
Zdravkonator @Pavec 7.12 0 1.02 0.21 0.00 0.00 3,640.9
PsyMan @PsyMan 7.03 0 1.08 0.10 0.00 0.00 3,500.4
Unspoken @mindsharp 0.45 0 0.29 0.62 5.24 -1.40 3,474.8
Erwan @breton31 0.10 1 0.12 0.06 0.00 0.00 967.3
Rimme @blessedladyboy 0.72 4 0.44 0.11 1.78 -1.23 3,268.4
Capt. Antiproton @eviax 0.08 2 0.55 0.29 0.14 0.17 2,032.6
Cardty @ca3rdty 0.01 1 0.18 0.51 0.77 -0.63 2,011.1
Mass Valdore @tmassx 0.16 3 0.78 0.20 0.00 -0.91 1,905.6
mbh @hashimotoo 0.02 5 0.17 0.05 0.65 0.00 1,332.2

Highest hits

  1. PsyMan deals 43491 (55129) damage (critical) to Rimme with Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - High Yield III.
  2. Zdravkonator deals 34217 (58045) damage (critical) to Rimme with Dual Tetryon Banks - Overload III.
  3. Capt. Antiproton deals 26929 (52217) damage (critical) to PsyMan with Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - High Yield III.

Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
Pixel Mini 43,546 49,395 279,653 168 505 791 2,094
Zdravkonator 588,732 686,727 2,777,550 2,302 5,014 1,044 2,588
PsyMan 653,330 691,772 2,786,023 2,428 5,029 650 1,632
Unspoken 165,402 203,819 609,131 666 1,100 1,423 3,940
Erwan 57,666 90,068 355,468 267 642 486 1,084
1,508,676 1,721,781 6,807,825 5,831 12,288 4,394 11,338
Rimme 370,858 153,259 1,493,066 946 2,695 970 1,549
Capt. Antiproton 217,036 476,712 1,760,912 1,252 3,179 1,943 5,413
Cardty 32,050 195,624 608,740 411 1,099 668 1,414
Mass Valdore 218,567 772,821 2,263,255 1,790 4,085 909 1,672
mbh 94,872 121,761 512,363 391 925 788 1,295
933,383 1,720,177 6,638,336 4,790 11,983 5,278 11,342
Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
Pixel Mini 87,274 395,433 471,943 430,893 8,591 27,119 871 1,630 64
Zdravkonator 73,912 75,240 0 33,075 159,313 242,994 269 60 726
PsyMan 22,809 74,178 0 0 102,594 78,371 175 0 327
Unspoken 64,232 223,502 73,268 149,335 190,768 187,696 519 402 683
Erwan 21,195 32,673 0 0 83,945 77,123 97 0 291
269,422 801,026 545,211 613,303 545,211 613,303 1,932 2,091 2,091
Rimme 53,298 47,281 0 0 27,324 13,455 182 0 74
Capt. Antiproton 107,608 169,510 566 0 62,155 44,267 500 1 192
Cardty 75,066 96,646 148,825 69,149 566 0 310 393 1
Mass Valdore 50,495 101,881 0 29,620 31,220 25,166 275 53 102
mbh 28,433 20,292 0 0 28,126 15,881 88 0 79
314,900 435,610 149,391 98,769 149,391 98,769 1,355 448 448

Time: 0.0083601474761963 s