The Hilbert Guide
A cookie cutter approach to PVP

PVP Leaderboard

General Special Top 10s Balancing Data​mining Recent matches

2014-06-23 17:45:14

Result:15 - 2
Duration:0h 10m 20s
  Score Damage Healing  
Type Name Handle + - Dmg Heal Util Style Rating
Shak @fightingexplorer 9.22 1 1.40 0.17 0.00 0.00 3,957.9
Nadeene @colonelkira 0.07 0 0.10 1.74 2.08 0.35 3,583.5
Mr. Anderson @gerisz 0.93 0 0.56 0.51 3.48 -1.00 3,246.3
Slinat @zsirosdeszka24 4.45 1 0.65 0.12 0.17 -0.64 3,051.5
Trick @danielgoers 0.24 0 0.08 0.93 2.16 0.54 3,003.6
PsyRom @PsyMan 1.51 4 0.78 0.17 0.58 -0.41 3,253.6
RyanSTO Live @Ezri_Carter 0.46 3 1.05 0.34 1.56 -1.26 2,792.1
Cassidy @porchsong 0.01 2 0.37 0.77 1.53 -1.09 2,628.1
Miri @kordee666 0.01 3 0.41 0.65 1.05 -2.25 2,251.4
Thrawn @admiralackbaar 0.02 3 0.45 0.13 1.19 -0.50 1,860.9

Highest hits

  1. Slinat deals 22282 (24427) damage to Thrawn with Dual Plasma Banks - Overload III.
  2. PsyRom deals 19622 (53450) damage (critical) to Shak with Dual Fluidic Antiproton Banks - Overload II.
  3. RyanSTO Live deals 17592 (32884) damage (critical) to Slinat with Bio-Molecular Dual Phaser Banks - Overload III.

Style penalties are not shown in the graphic. (Negative values don't really work in a stacked bar chart.) The values are scaled relative to each other in the same way as in the ranking formula.

Type Name Hull Shields Raw DPS (net out) DPS (raw out) DPS (net in) DPS (raw in)
Shak 1,062,899 1,112,180 4,199,110 3,508 6,773 2,222 5,387
Nadeene 72,866 74,393 301,079 238 486 665 1,931
Mr. Anderson 424,768 444,704 1,875,824 1,402 3,026 1,506 3,920
Slinat 428,665 590,769 1,874,395 1,644 3,023 1,143 2,141
Trick 25,987 103,300 245,614 209 396 451 1,394
2,015,185 2,325,346 8,496,022 7,001 13,703 5,989 14,773
PsyRom 450,666 757,521 2,863,663 1,949 4,619 967 2,223
RyanSTO Live 622,190 1,005,696 3,765,240 2,626 6,073 1,652 3,566
Cassidy 269,040 321,105 858,085 952 1,384 1,245 2,735
Miri 410,829 214,750 1,229,614 1,009 1,983 1,344 2,423
Thrawn 221,213 471,524 1,556,159 1,117 2,510 1,095 1,673
1,973,938 2,770,596 10,272,761 7,652 16,569 6,303 12,621
Type Name Hull (self) Shields (self) Hull (out) Shields (out) Hull (in) Shields (in) HPS (self) HPS (out) HPS (in)
Shak 114,164 91,019 0 0 489,402 754,958 331 0 2,007
Nadeene 78,117 265,918 586,946 823,004 51,177 65,861 555 2,274 189
Mr. Anderson 240,404 357,561 6,765 11,205 78,466 165,709 964 29 394
Slinat 106,810 0 21,688 0 114,800 193,186 172 35 497
Trick 216,996 244,633 145,933 384,712 40,773 60,156 745 856 163
756,491 959,131 761,332 1,218,921 774,618 1,239,870 2,767 3,194 3,249
PsyRom 15,119 195,267 0 0 49,829 49,790 339 0 161
RyanSTO Live 47,511 290,394 0 66,150 308,076 190,937 545 107 805
Cassidy 173,941 204,566 272,141 156,786 70,531 46,590 610 692 189
Miri 172,884 168,039 223,133 124,231 52,029 28,350 550 560 130
Thrawn 57,046 96,003 0 0 14,809 31,500 247 0 75
466,501 954,269 495,274 347,167 495,274 347,167 2,292 1,359 1,359

Time: 0.014450073242188 s